A History of Bitcoin, The Trilogy Pt.2

-Part 2-
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Unfortunately, the year wasn’t without its setbacks. The Bitcoin community faced significant challenges in the form of the Mt. Gox collapse, where investors lost their life savings after over 850,000 BTC were lost in a hacking attack. This event highlighted the need for better security measures in the cryptocurrency space, leading to the development of technologies such as multi-signature wallets and cold storage solutions.

The year also saw the shutdown of the infamous Silk Road marketplace, which was a significant milestone for Bitcoin. While the online black market had been a popular destination for illegal transactions, it had also attracted legitimate users who appreciated the anonymity and security features of Bitcoin. The closure of Silk Road was a turning point for Bitcoin, as it showed that the currency was not solely for illicit activities.

Despite these challenges, Bitcoin continued to gain mainstream acceptance in 2014. Overstock.com, a major online retailer, became the first major business to accept Bitcoin as a form of payment. Overstock.com CEO Patrick Byrne has been a vocal advocate for Bitcoin and blockchain technology, and the move to accept Bitcoin was seen as a way to stay ahead of the curve and adapt to changing consumer preferences.

In 2015, the New York State Department of Financial Services (NYDFS) introduced the BitLicense, a regulatory framework for virtual currency businesses operating in the state. While the BitLicense was meant to provide clarity and oversight to the burgeoning cryptocurrency industry, it was met with controversy from many in the Bitcoin community who felt that the regulations were too strict and would stifle innovation.

But the cryptocurrency industry is a dynamic one, and despite the challenges, it has continued to innovate and grow. In the same year, the Lightning Network was introduced, a layer-two scaling solution that enables faster and cheaper transactions on the Bitcoin network. Along with sidechains and smart contracts, these innovations have continued to develop and mature over the years.

Although Bitcoin suffered a significant price decline in 2015, dropping by over 50% in a matter of weeks, it highlighted the volatile nature of the cryptocurrency markets and the need for caution and risk management when investing in digital assets.

The Ethereum blockchain was also launched in July 2015, introducing the concept of smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps). Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement written into code, enabling the automation and execution of complex financial agreements and other transactions without the need for intermediaries. Meanwhile, dApps are applications that run on the blockchain and are not controlled by any single entity or authority, allowing for increased transparency, security, and resilience compared to traditional centralized applications.

The launch of Ethereum was a significant milestone for the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry, demonstrating the potential for blockchain technology to revolutionize not just finance, but a wide range of industries and applications.

In 2016, Bitcoin experienced a major milestone when it underwent its second halving event. The block reward was reduced from 25 BTC to 12.5 BTC, a move that helped control inflation and highlighted the finite nature of Bitcoin, with only 21 million Bitcoins ever to be in circulation. Y’all, this was a big deal for the crypto community!

But 2016 wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows for the crypto industry. In June of that year, the DAO, a smart contract-based investment fund built on the Ethereum blockchain, was hacked, resulting in the loss of over $50 million worth of Ether. This hack was a significant setback, highlighting the risks and vulnerabilities associated with decentralized applications and smart contracts. Ouch!

Despite the DAO hack, the Ethereum community showed its resilience by forking the blockchain to recover the stolen funds. This led to the creation of two separate blockchains: Ethereum (ETH) and Ethereum Classic (ETC), each with their own unique features. This was a controversial decision, and some members of the community chose to remain true to the original blockchain.

In addition to these events, 2016 was a year of significant growth and adoption for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin’s price continued to climb, reaching a high of over $1,200 per BTC, and more merchants began accepting Bitcoin as payment. The Winklevoss twins even proposed creating a Bitcoin ETF, a move that would have allowed traditional investors to gain exposure to Bitcoin.

Overall, 2016 was a year of both progress and setbacks for the crypto industry. While the DAO hack showed the dangers of decentralized applications, the Bitcoin halving and continued growth of cryptocurrencies demonstrated the potential for digital assets to change the way we think about money and finance.

In 2017, Bitcoin went on a wild ride, experiencing one of its most epic price rallies ever! Can you believe the price per BTC reached nearly $20,000 in December of that year?! That’s a massive increase from the start of the year, when the price was hovering around $1,000. It’s no wonder the whole world was buzzing about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, with media attention at an all-time high and investors and merchants flocking to get in on the action!

The total market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies also hit an all-time high in early January, surpassing a jaw-dropping $800 billion! Just a few years earlier, the total market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies was only a few billion dollars, so this was a remarkable achievement.

Of course, with all this growth and success came increased scrutiny and regulation from governments and financial institutions. China, a major market for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, cracked down hard on cryptocurrency exchanges and initial coin offerings (ICOs), causing a temporary dip in the price of Bitcoin and other digital assets. But don’t worry, the cryptocurrency community is resilient and always bounces back!

Despite these challenges, 2017 was a year of significant growth and innovation for the cryptocurrency industry. More and more merchants started accepting Bitcoin as payment, and new use cases for blockchain technology and decentralized applications began to emerge. ICOs, a new fundraising method for blockchain-based startups, also exploded in popularity, raising billions of dollars in funding for new projects. It was an exciting time to be part of the crypto world!

But it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows – the rapid rise in the price of Bitcoin and other digital assets also highlighted the challenges and risks associated with investing in such a new and emerging asset class. It’s important to do your own research and make informed decisions when it comes to investing in cryptocurrencies.

In August 2017, after a long period of debate and controversy within the Bitcoin community, the Segregated Witness (SegWit) soft fork was finally activated. This change increased the block size limit from 1 MB to 4 MB by removing some of the data from the block that was previously considered part of the transaction. This allowed for more transactions to be processed within each block and paved the way for the implementation of the Lightning Network, a layer-two scaling solution designed to enable faster and cheaper Bitcoin transactions. It was a major milestone for the Bitcoin community and a sign of even more exciting things to come!

In 2018, the cryptocurrency industry underwent a period of significant regulatory scrutiny and market corrections. One of the major events that took place was the steep decline in the price of Bitcoin, which fell from its all-time high of nearly $20,000 in December 2017 to around $3,000 per BTC by the end of 2018. This sudden drop in value caused many investors to panic and sell their holdings, but it was a natural correction after the previous year’s speculative frenzy.

The decline in the price of Bitcoin was caused by a combination of factors, including increased regulatory scrutiny in countries like China and South Korea, concerns over the security of cryptocurrency exchanges, and a general cooling off of the hype and speculation that had fueled the previous year’s rally. China and South Korea, two of the largest markets for cryptocurrencies, implemented stricter regulations on cryptocurrency exchanges and ICOs, which caused a drop in trading volumes and investor confidence. Additionally, several high-profile security breaches at cryptocurrency exchanges raised concerns over the safety and security of digital assets.

Despite the decline in the price of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, the underlying technology continued to show promise, and many blockchain-based startups and projects continued to emerge. The industry’s focus began to shift from speculation and price to real-world use cases and adoption. As a result, the industry experienced consolidation and maturation, with weak projects weeded out and attention refocused on the more promising ones.

In June 2018, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) made a significant announcement that clarified the regulatory status of certain cryptocurrencies and their associated offerings. In a speech given by William Hinman, the Director of the SEC’s Division of Corporation Finance, he stated that Bitcoin and Ethereum are not securities, but other digital assets issued through ICOs may be considered securities and subject to SEC regulation. This announcement had significant implications for the cryptocurrency industry, as it clarified the regulatory status of certain cryptocurrencies and provided more clarity for investors and businesses operating in the space.

In 2019, Bitcoin’s price began to pick up after taking a beating in 2018. Y’all wouldn’t believe it, but by the end of the year, Bitcoin’s value had skyrocketed to over $10,000 per BTC, marking a huge jump from its rock-bottom point of around $3,000 per BTC just a year before.

One major factor that contributed to Bitcoin’s recovery was the growing interest from big institutions. In September 2019, Bakkt finally launched after months of hype. Bakkt is a platform for trading and holding digital assets, and it’s backed by the Intercontinental Exchange, one of the biggest financial companies in the world. With Bakkt’s launch, institutional investors finally had a safe and regulated way to trade and invest in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.